+91 - 7738 992 031

Creating a website can be easy compared to maintaining it.

At Point 2 Point Communications, we work hard to make things as easy as possible for you. When you need something updated, changed, or added on your website, just email or call us, and we will handle the rest.

When you hire us, we're on-call for you when you need it. Regular updates (such as editing or adding new pictures, making text changes, adding press releases, adding new pages, etc.) can cost as little as US$ 12 per hour.

And whether you outsource all your web site maintenance to us, or have us supplement your current staff with our skills and experience, you'll never have to worry again about;

Buying expensive software

Buying and upgrading expensive hardware

Training & recruitment expenses

We currently maintain websites for customers in India, United States and Europe. The skill sets provided by us include HTML. DHTML, Javascript, PHP, My-SQL, Flash, Image Processing, FTP, SEO, Linux Hosting and Backups.

Our Clients

Important Links


FF08 - 1st Floor, Harmony Mall, Link Road,
Goregaon (W), Mumbai - 400104. India


Telephone: +91 - 7738 992 031
Email: salesteam@pointwebsites.com